4 Best Exercises During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful time in a woman's life. But it can also be a time of physical discomfort, fatigue, and mood swings. Exercise during pregnancy is beneficial for both mother and baby, providing numerous physical and mental health benefits. It helps to maintain a healthy weight, reduce aches and pain associated with pregnancy, reduce stress, reduce the risk of gestational diabetes, and improve mood.

This guide describes the 4 best type of exercises that can help keep expectant mothers fit and healthy throughout their pregnancy. Moreover, these exercises can help prepare the body for labor and delivery and the new daily activities of motherhood. Not all exercises are safe during pregnancy, however the exercises listed below are safe for all stages of pregnancy, provided you have a low-risk and uncomplicated pregnancy. Please remember to always follow your doctor’s advice.

  1. Cardio

    Cardio is good for heart health, blood circulation, controlling blood sugar levels, and for building endurance for labor and delivery.

    • Examples of low-impact cardio that are gentle on the joints and safe for all stages of pregnancy include walking, swimming, and stationary cycling.

  2. Strength Training

    Strength training helps to stabilize the joints and offset the effects of the hormone relaxin. Relaxin is responsible for relaxing the ligaments and joints to help the body expand with the growing fetus and prepare the body to make room for a vaginal delivery. There is greater risk of developing aches and pains due to the natural weight gain and less stable joints. Strength training helps keep the body strong and reduce aches and pains associated with pregnancy.

    • Squats: helps strengthen the leg and hip muscles

    • Bicep Curls: help strengthen the arm muscles to prepare you for carrying the baby

    • Modified Push-Ups: against a wall or on your knees

    • Seated Rowing: helps strengthen back muscles and improve posture

  3. Core and Pelvic Floor Strengthening:

    This is crucial for supporting the spine and lower back during pregnancy. It can help alleviate back pain and improve posture. A strong pelvic floor is one that can both fully contract and release. It helps to prepare the body for labor and can lead to a shorter and more comfortable delivery.

    • Diaphragmatic (360 degree) Breathing and Pelvic Floor Lifts

    • Bird Dog

    • Modified Side Planks on Elbow and Knees

  4. Mobility and Light Stretching:

    Mobilizing the areas of hips helps prepare for delivery. Light stretching will reduce overall stiffness caused by pregnancy, especially the low back, shoulders/neck, and hips.

    • Cat/Cow

    • Child’s Pose

    • Pec/Chest Stretch

    • Hip Flexor, Hamstring, Figure 4 Stretch

What Exercises Should You Avoid During Pregnancy?


Below is the FULL guide on what movements to avoid at all stages of pregnancy so you can feel empowered to exercise safely and confidently! Modifications will be necessary as the pregnancy progresses, and this guide outlines exactly what those modifications are.

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